Tuesday, October 10, 2006

9.Calico Oranda

Calico Oranda could be various colors. Those in more than four colors including red, white, blue and black are of top grade. Calico Oranda can be cultivated to have three kinds of scales (normal ones, transparent ones and retiform transparent ones) through crossbreeding of Calico Fantail and Red Oranda. At first the sacs were not obvious and few could meet the requirements on patches. The variety was finalized after several generations' selective development, but the red patches were small and not brilliant enough. Afterwards backcrossing not only enbigd the read patches but also made them only appear at the top of the head and therefore formed a type of Calico Oranda with a bright red top, which once caused a sensation. All those with red square patches are fairly precious.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the picture of your calico oranda. You have some amazing photgraphs of some beautiful goldfish here. I wouldn't mind having some of these in my show tank.

Nice blog!


Jamie Boyle
The Goldfish Guy