Wednesday, October 11, 2006

11.Chocolate Oranda with curled Opercula

Curled opercula are a morbid state for goldfish. The operculum edge grows curled outside with part branchial filaments exposed outside, which looks like a wound. However, this has no impact on its breathing, for the variation is controlled by genetic factor. Due to long-term adaptation, this variety seems to have better resistance to disease than those with normal opercula. It incorporates both variations of Oranda and Curled Opercula, and those with higher sac and similar turning angle for the left and right opercula are regarded as high quality.

10.Calico Pearl-scale with Phoenix Tail

Best ones have a tailfin longer than the body and black and white patches like butterflies, with red patches as a must. It swims much like a butterfly flying. In recent years, a new variety has been cultivated which has red patches on head.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

9.Calico Oranda

Calico Oranda could be various colors. Those in more than four colors including red, white, blue and black are of top grade. Calico Oranda can be cultivated to have three kinds of scales (normal ones, transparent ones and retiform transparent ones) through crossbreeding of Calico Fantail and Red Oranda. At first the sacs were not obvious and few could meet the requirements on patches. The variety was finalized after several generations' selective development, but the red patches were small and not brilliant enough. Afterwards backcrossing not only enbigd the read patches but also made them only appear at the top of the head and therefore formed a type of Calico Oranda with a bright red top, which once caused a sensation. All those with red square patches are fairly precious.

8.Calico Globular Pearl-Scale

In the past it was in an olive shape and the tailfin was either short or long. A few years ago, a type of Pearl-Scale with round abdomen was cultivated for the first time in Yangzhou of Jiangsu, but the only defect was that its pearl scales were not plump enough. Based on this variety, culturists in Fuzhou cultivated with meticulous care a new variety that looks like a perfectly round ball with short head and tailfin and drum-round abdomen. Those pearl scales look more bulgy due to roundness of the abdomen. The body is similar to tropical fish and the tail is small. It swims slowly like a ball rolling slowly, which is very interesting. It is extremely difficult to raise. Shallow water is better and feeding need to be frequent (especially live feedstuff). Many meals with little food for each are the key to promote its growth. Its body is multicolored and patches are stronger in color. In recent years a new type has been cultivated, which is blue and white with transparent scales and small patches. It looks lucid and lively.

7.Brown Tiger-head

The whole body is livid purple like bronze. With plump sacs, it seems wearing a hat covering both mouth and eyes. Those with upright dorsal fin, long skirt-like tail and sacs in garish colors are of best quality.

6.Brown Oranda with Red Head

The whole body including the tail fin is deep purple while sacs on the head are bright red and flush. The red and purple are well embedded. What is rare is that eyes, narial membranes and mouth are all black. The face is quite similar to an innocent and lovely baby face, hence the name "Baby Fish". It is very rare and extremely precious. So far it has still been regarded as the most precious variety in the world since found decades ago.

5.Brown Oranda

It was developed by selective cultivation from Chocolate Fantail in 1950's but with a fly in the ointment that the body color is not strong enough and the sac is underdeveloped. However, in recent years its quality has been so enhanced through selective development that it has gradually won more fans. Those with broader and higher sacs in strong purple are of top grade.

4.Blue Pearl-scale

Red, red and white, and multicolored ones are more common among Pearl-scale, while blue ones are comparatively rare, which did not appear until 1984. At first its scales were not bulgy enough, but later after continuous selective cultivation they became small, obvious and unique in color and hence are regarded as a precious variety.

3.Blue Oranda

It is bluish dark and has a slightly bulged sac on the head, displaying a charming swimming carriage with its thin, long and big tailfin that is its unique feature.

2.Black Bubble Eyes With Dorsal Fin

Bubble eyes could be in any color, while the variety with the whole body in black did not appear until 1982. However, it is a pity that the black was not very strong and the grounding was reddish. After several years' selective cultivation, recently there have appeared precious ones with bubble eyes as black as Chinese ink. It still has normal dorsal fin, hence the name.

1.Orchid and Black Fantail

The whole body of this goldfish displays orchid-like plain blue grounding. It is not a reflection of light but a show of the pigment of dermis through transparent scales, which is quite unique. There are also reflective black scales mixed. Those with small and broken black speckles and big blue pieces are especially popular.

Introduction of Fantail

This goldfish variet of Fantail is characterized by its longest age among Chinese goldfish and thus has developed into more than 70 varieties. It is much shorter in length than crucian carps with well-developed fins slightly broader than the goldfish with dragon-eyes. Its head could be either broad or narrow. Looking from above, it looks just like the Chinese Character"文“ (pronounced as "Wen"), hence the name "Wen-yu) in Chinese ( "yu" means fish).

So far there are 32 varieties in the category of Fantail Goldfish which I am going to introduce to my blog readers. However, GoldFish Queen's Farm are keeping developing the goldfish varieties, of course including the Fantail goldfish.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Nice Move to Beta Blogger

Since I created the Goldfish Queen's blog at Spaces.MSN, It has changed URL address three times. When I initially wrote my blog entry, I made my blog pretty high search rank. However, when the MSN changed its URL, the rank was down. It influenced the quantity of my blog's readers.

Today, I setup the blogger site again in the beta version with my gmail account. I transferred to copy every entries here I posted before.

This is the fist post on Nov 30th, 2005 as follows,


Appreicated Internet bring us together, no matter where you are and who you are. I would like to share my business story, and my child education experience with you.
Pump me Up!Hi!
Goldfish Queen

And the formerly GoldfishQueen's blog in blogger is http://goldfishqueenbackup.blogspot.vom